Saturday, December 11, 2010

how to 'find' our lost love

mcmane nak dtgkn cinta n rindu if kite lebih mnjauhkan diri...pasangn ade mslh rumahtgga,diorg akn pegi bulan madu..duk bbincang utk selesaikan mslah...bkn dok lari sane lari sini..bile kite wat bende yg xselari dgn ape yg kite ckp,mcmane org nak pcaye...yes,kpcayaan bgntung dgn org tu sndri sama ada nak pcaye or x..abis tu,kalo da mmg ckp xserupe bikin,xkn kite nak mmbute tuli pcaye jgk...

Aku ni pon ade perasaan jgk..n aku nmpak dunia ni mcm2 da yg aku da pnah tgk,dgr n,,jgnla bbelit2...sbb ia xkan bhasil..belit la mcmane pon,aku akn ttp nmpak faktanye sbb ia lebih terang dr mane2 kegelapan..
Ibaratkanla mcm kite naik bas..beli tiket nak pegi johor..naik bas yg betul..n da tnye driver da ‘bas ni pgi johor kan?’..sah2 la kite akn smpai johor jgk..xde mane deh kite akn tibe2 ‘selamat dtg ke kedah darul aman..’

samela keadaannye...nak cari cinta??do everytng u need n can..bknnye buat ape yg kite nak n tgglkan ape yg kite xrase nak wat..salah tu..bateri hanset low...kite watpe?amek charger.....cari soket....aduh...mlsnye nak jln pg pasng charger....kite mls..xnak disebbkan kite nak bateri tu btmbah blk,kite gagahkn jgk pegi ‘tempel’ charger tu kat soket..then ‘switch on’..klo xswitch on,xgune jgk...barula bateri tu btambah....bkn tggu..lg kite tggu,lg bateri tu abis...lame2,plup!bateri kong!

Nak ckp its depend on us sama ada nk tunjk or x kt psng tu yg kite usaha..jgnla salah interprete..mmg btul dlm hbngn kene setiap bnde kite wat,xkan dtg ikhlas dlu baru wat..kite akn kene buat dulu..baru dtg ikhlas..mcm bile kite pg masjid,salu giler solat sunat qobliah n ba’ kt rmh,haram la kte nak kite ttp buat jgk...t lame2 kite akn tsentak jgk..’aku ni smyg sunat tp xikhlas...bek btulkan niat..’so dtgla ikhlas tu..nk tggu ikhlas dlu???20 taun g pon xkompen kite smyg sunat...mcm nk berubah pki tudung..nak tggu ikhlas,smpai putih rmbut tu pon xkompem g kite pki,juz pki..t ikhlas la...

Manusia bkn tuhan..tau yg kite usaha or,tunjukla...xsusah...xtau cane nak tunjuk,tnye psngn...die akn bgtau...then,bile die da bgtau,die akn expect kite wat exactly da same as he/she told us...if xley wat,jgn tnye...n jgn bg hope yg kite akn wat sdngkan kite xnak wat...sbb....kite xsakitkan diri kite....kite sakiti hati insan lain....

Org kate islam..for instance xley pki rntai pki mcmane nk pcaye kite ni islam sdgkan kite tunjuk salib kat dada kite tu....same la kt sini...kate cinta,tunjuk...kate syg...tunjuk....kate usaha....tunjuk....sbb pbuatan mnunjukkn hati kite nak xperlu kite nak mngarang hatta seribu puisi cinta utk zahirkan is meaningless without proves my dear....

Bile kite makin jauhkan diri........lg kite kan hilang.......bkn makin terang......
1.(sabtu,4 dec)g knduri kawin kt rmh syahid..ujan2 pon redah ajela..rmh member..g pon,xde wakil lak t dr rmh ak yg pg la..mknn nye,ok..bule tahan tp xkne selere sgt..myb style jawe kot..smpai2,alahai...rminye minah pki tudung labuh kt cni..yg bjubah pon rmi rmh bilal kg..mestila sanak sedarenye pon alim2 tula..mate ni pedih sket..haha...mane aku tau apesal..

Lauk paha ayam gorg,ngn rendang daging xsilap..xbrape..sapela yg msk rndang kawah ni..ade sumting tlupe nk msukkn kot.ade yg yg paling menarik dan pd masa yg same mnakutkan is door gift die..amek kau 1 kntung die bg..ade kopok,gule,biskut coklt,tp yg betnyer tu biskut coklat die bntuk love!!sgt kiut n ssgt sedap!!penuh kasih sygla kate kan..agak2,1 kntung tu kosnye dlm 8rggt..hai..xtau la blanje kawin aku sok brape ribu plak...hadoi..tu yg ade psng niat nk kawen ngn cina ayah aku..knduri blah laki je..xyah duit hntaran..haha!!

Tp yg pnting skali,syahid da gemok!!!!haha!!!!mcm bpak org!!!

2.(ahad,5 dec)baru plan nak bgn awal joging ngn peja..die nak start ikut rejim fitness ragbi die..ok gak la an.bole kuatkn blk lutu aku ni.tah bile nak,kne la bgn awal..siap kunci jam kot pkul 8..last2,bgn kol 10 sbb mlm tu pnat golek2,xye lelap2..dlm pkul 4.30 kot,bru la tlelap..mklumla..dlu tido b2..skrg tido sorg2..ssah xpe..lame2 biase la...huk2

Pastu g masjid tnah,mama cik suro beli kain itam.ubatkn ayah kot.grg bona kato eh..ntahla..kojo org tuo,den xamek pot..asal suro boli itu ini,den poie la boli asalkn mghulur..den xdo duet..kek kdai kain,bule plak org kedai tu soal siasat idop aku..siap tahan aku jgn blk dlu..haha..die kate aku ade rupe..haha..mekasih..1st time org luar puji aku good looking..evn aku xrase cmtu...

Blk je rmh,trus patahkan simkad..aku xde rase nak pki phone la wat mase ni..xde kperluan g..tgkla t kalo ttbe ati nak beli no baru..aku xlrat jd burung pungguk rindukan bulan...da nk abis da ubat ak ni ha..

3.beli no celcom..dgn hrpan senang la nk cntct..yela..sbb sblm ni maxis kan..die pki,kire logikla nk gne alasn mahal jela....aku xleh nak pksa org syg aku or temankan idup aku yg sunyi ni...aku juz bole brharap je...xley juz bg jela ape yg aku ade...smpaila 1 hari sok aku da rase idup aku ni mmg xde sape2 nak teman,aku brentila bharap...

Aku dok tggu msj die kate nak ruang..xtaula ruang ape lg..dr pg smpai pkul 3ptg,baru 3x msj..xckup ke ruang tu...hmm..ntahla..aku ni pnagih la nasibnye...selalu mngasihi org scara sblah pihak...
Aku ttp tggu..sakit...perit....still save no die ats name ‘cintahatisaye’ evn die da buang da no aku...sadiskan idop aku ni....haha....
‘I got my way lost while she got the way she’s want’ skrg ni,lewat mcmane pon aku tido,aku ttap akn bgn awal jgk..then xleh tido blk yg mnyakitkan hati tu bknnye part xleh tido blk tu..sbliknye,ia jd sakit sbb bile bgn tido,aku xtau nak say gud moning kat sape,n in da same time,xde org nak say gud morning pd aku lg da..
Hati makin keras...lg keras,lg aku akn cepat marah..sbb kesunyian dlm hidup aku sedang mmbunuh jiwa aku dari dalam sikit demi sedikit..

5.result da kuar..n alhamdulillah ok..xde repeat paper n sikit lg nak DL..syukur dpt result baik even dlm waktu2 gnting..myb rezeki dr Allah sbb ikhlas sygkan org..n atas berkat ibu jgk even bkn ibu kandung..thanx bu!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ne-Yo - One In A Million

Jet setter
Go getter
Nothing better
Call me Mr. been there done that
Top model chick to your every day hood rat
Less than all but more than a few
But I've never met one like you

Been all over the world
Done a little bit of everything
Little bit of everywhere
With a little bit of everyone
All the girls I've been with
Things I've seen it takes much to impress
But sure enough your glow it makes your soul stand up from all the rest

I can be in love
But I just don't know (don't know, girl)
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
Other girls don't matter
In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you

Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

You're not a regular girl
You don't give a damn about the loot
Talking about what I can't do it for you
What you can do for yourself
Even though that ain't so
Baby cause my dough don't know how to end
But that independent thing I'm with it
All we do is win baby

I could be in love
But I just don't know (don't know, girl)
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
Other girls don't matter

[ From: ]

In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you

Baby you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

Timing girl
Only one in the world
Just one of a kind
She mine

Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be
A future baby
Baby you're one of a kind
That means that you're the only one for me
Only one for me
Baby (girl) you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

acara lari beregu...sukan asia guangzou!

jam pkul 6.15,dgn pnug keterujaan, jap...ade ke pkataan keterujaan??? jap....ade!!so bule pki...huk2

smpai2 pdg,macha sorg aje yg ade..
'tambi,xde org ke???'
'xdela macha!!'
so,wa pon ptah la blk rmh dgn persaan penoh kkeciwaan..mane xnye,dr blk klumpo ritu,asik ujan je kot..ttbe arini,bcita2 la nk men bola...tgk2 xde men..dasar bola estet btol!!

smpai je rmh,ak nmpk moto aku..'eh,ayh da blk'..1 hari suntuk wa resah kt rumah sbb moto xde..seb bek ade moto abg mende pelik...sbb sume org mcm bjage2,n ade kt rmh...aku pon pelan2 la masuk laman rmh smbil2 mate dok melilau mncari ape mende yg diorg dok handle rmi2 tu..ttbe iskandar suro stop moto!!

'bai,benti bai!!minah tu!!'..aku pon benti la..'ape mslhnye klu minah ade??'
mmbe xsempt nyaut die ttbe lompat moto!!skali wa pndg depan,xsmpat matikan enjin aku tgglkn moto gitu je!!minah meluru kt aku!!!!!!!xckup tnah aku lari ptg ni...hahaha!!!

lawakla..smpai rmh maklang kiah aku cabot!!seb bek die patah blk..kalo x,da mninggal aku tenok dek lembu...minah ni satu hal..da tau sangap,org da belikan sekor lembu jantan..ade kt ats bukit tu ha..ko yg sombong..konon2 taste besar..xkn nak bg seladang kot..melampau la...